our people

Annabelle Jones, co-founder

From wrangling the masses on the ground at world scale events, to launching major digital disruptor brands in new markets, to ensuring that every brand she works with has a story that their audience will forever love, Annabelle is one half of the we scout directors.  With extensive experience working with both global and boutique brands on clever communications strategies that are rooted in commercial success, Annabelle is a born communicator and fierce leader. She is committed to getting under the skin of the brands she works with - understanding business priorities, cultivating smart strategy, installing purpose and delivering meaningful results across multiple channels.

Lori Susko, co-founder

With a keen interest in consumer trend watching, you’ll find Lori reading global future reports to uncover insights that she applies to her communication strategies. With decades of experience under her belt she has a passion for harnessing cultural moments and is committed to developing and telling meaningful and creative brand stories. With a belief that you can take the work seriously but still have fun while doing it, Lori also seeks to foster an adaptable working culture that allows her colleagues to produce their best work. Armed with a breadth of experience working on integrated campaigns across traditional. digital and social platforms, Lori is determined to translate comms outcomes into tangible business results.